Categorizing Your Storage
Blue Elephant Storage has got you covered with the best tips on how to keep your storage unit neat & organized!
However, once you have begun renting a unit there are some tricks in the way you organize that will help keep things you need most accessible. When most people move their stuff into a unit they begin stacking it from back-to-front until it is full. But by taking a little time to organize will save you a lot of time in the future when you need to find something.
Label Your Boxes, Bins, and Containers
If you mark what type of items or specify the room contents on the outside of the box it will save you from digging through all your boxes when you need to find something. For example, simply marking “kitchenware” or “photography equipment” on the outside of your boxes will help you know directly where to go when you need to find a specific item.
Place Frequently Used Items at the Front
Take a moment to assess which things you use most and will potentially need to access in the near future. Keep those items at the front by the door and you won’t have to crawl over all your stuff to find the things you need.
Sketch a Diagram
Of all the suggestions, this one is probably the most ingenious. As you fill your unit, draw a sketch of where boxes and items are stored to reference when you need them in the future.
Use Vertical Space
Using shelves in Storage is a great way to maximize the efficiency of the space you have while keeping your stuff organized and easy to access. Make sure you determine what size of unit you will need by using a “storage size estimator” and then fully utilize the space you have by neatly stacking it with shelf-units.